Are we all throwing a fortune away?
Advertising - and peer pressure - can make us waste money. Do we really need to throw out perfectly good clothing and buy new ones, just because fashions changed last week? Is that expensive perfume, which the famous footballer gets paid a fortune to endorse, really better than the economy line? Are there genuine advantages in paying a packet for the latest mobile phone, even though our old one is perfectly serviceable?
Here are just a few ways of saving money - perhaps a lot of it - on everyday items. If you have other ideas which you think we should add, why not
contact us now and tell us about them!
Home made bread, a real treat!
There are few aromas as enticing of that of freshly baked bread coming from your own kitchen - but is making your own economically viable? We looked into it.
Making your own perfume
Perfumes can be very expensive - but is it really possible to make your own?
Bulk buying food
Does buying food in bulk save cash, or is it a false economy?
Saving money on cosmetics
Are there more cost effective ways?
How to slash the cost of heating your home
Can we cut the cost of heating, without shivering or creating pollution?
There's more to broccoli than just the florets!
Are we throwing away the most nutritious part?
How to save money on car insurance
Are we being taken for a ride by the insurance companies?
Are we paying through the nose for fertiliser?
There are often 'greener' and more economical ways to help plants grow, than pouring expensive chemicals on them.
Do we pay too much for seeds?
Many plants create their own. Here's how this can save money.
Economical cleaning products
Economical ways of replacing expensive soaps and detergents.
Eradicating garden pests
Many commercial treatments not only cost a fortune, but they endanger pets and wildlife too. Here are the answers.
Tinned peas and beans - are we throwing away the best part?
Most people regularly tip good, healthy food down the sink. See what they're missing!
Save money on bottled water
We all need to drink more water, but tap water can taste foul. Is there an economical answer?
Saving money in the bathroom
How to stop flushing money down the drain, along with the bath water
How a pressure cooker could save you money
Once a staple fixture in many kitchens they have fallen out of fashion - but could you save a lot of money with one?
Save money on your weekly shop
Could you schedule your shopping to get maximum savings?